Course Translation Process - CommScope Infrastructure Academy

Translation support for a truly global audience

Introduction to the course language translation process

The process for translating CommScope course material into various languages follows the growing trend of 'community or social translation', where all users/students help each other to better the future of translation across all industries and markets.

We use professional auto translation engines that use algorithms to nurture the feedback from users to better the translation over time. These engines have methods for students/users to comment and recommend a better translation. This then helps all the community as the engines advance because of it.

It is an investment in the future that everyone can be involved in, rather than incurring expense added to individual course costs. The process for people to contribute to the enhancement of course translation is detailed in following sections and differs slightly across the material.

Our commitment to course localization

Translation of training content to languages other than English is provided by third parties and CommScope does not guarantee the accuracy of any translated content.

The translation tools/engines and translations are provided for the convenience of students only and are not a guaranteed service. CommScope and/or the translation provider may, without notice, withdraw the use of these tools and foreign language translations.

How students can help their fellow students

Contribute on the website

The translation of material is processed in two ways depending on the content. For all HTML webpages including the course catalogues, information pages, the course navigation pages, online workbooks and course assessments, the translations are produced live upon request as the user accesses the pages. This is provided by a professional auto translation tool (Google translate is the tool being deployed today). For these translations, it is possible for users to contribute better translations of the content as they are viewing the pages. This is done by hovering over the translations and then selecting the link:


Students/users are able to contribute to the translation in this manner as they take the course, which is especially useful for workbooks and assessments. The auto translation engines amalgamate the input and use the information to enhance the results for future users. The auto translation engines are constantly improving based on feedback provided by users through the HTML based tool and so future translation of course material will take advantage of these improvements.

Contribute to webcasts

Our webcast training material includes subtitles so you are able to follow the narration in the language of your choice. These subtitles are available in dozens of languages, using the same translation engine as the rest of the website. If you already have translations enabled for the site, chances are the webcast subtitles will already be in your chosen language.

For the webcast subtitles, students are able to ‘Contribute a better translation’ to help improve the translations for you and other students and we would encourage you to do so, if you spot any inaccuracies. Students can contribute by simply hoovering their mouse over the subtitles within the webcast and after a second or two a box will appear and the option to ‘Contribute a better translation’ is available and can be clicked. The next form shows the English text and the translated text that was playing at the time the button was clicked. From here you can view alternative suggested translations and you also have the option to enter your own contribution.


On submitting the correction, the proposed new translated material is fed back into the auto translation engine for processing.

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